Message from Archangel Michael
Ah, my dear one. I am here, and I am Michael. I come to many this time of year. New beginnings and new messages are here and now for the taking. Juliet (this one who is typing), as I give these messages to her, is going through a transformation as we speak. She is finding her way to one's own self-worthiness, as the time has come for her to expand her abilities in this time of the change that is coming.
We say this to you now: to be ready for the new you. The new you that is releasing the old and bringing in the new. This one (Juliet) is on her path to divine knowing, as are you. What do we mean by this? We mean that you are coming into the light that has always been with you, a part of you, and will never leave you. You are always whole and divine. As the new year comes about, we wish to embed and instill in you this knowing of one's self and who you are.
The light that shines from within is growing now, expanding onto one's own self, expanding from one's own wealth and love of one's own divine light. Your expansion of your light is always from you. You cannot be less than anything but this light, this light of love.
As the world turns and becomes its new being, we wish you to expand again and remember expansion comes from within. Again, it's knowing just who you are. We, I, you, us, all, are bringing in more of what you are. How, you ask, if it's all from within? We do not cover your eyes with blinders for this question, as you should always know the answers.
Your light expands, yes, from within, and we bring unto you more of what you are through a transmission of vibration, as you call it. We give you an opening to expand what has been cut off from within. We will say it this way for your understanding. A deep light exists within you. Some of it is covered with shadows of humanness. The light we share with you uncovers these shadows, and you are able to feel more of what is you.
As your shadows lift in this transformative time, we are uplifting you into the new you of existence. This has always been the future foreseen for you since your time of being. Again, I, Michael—we, you, all—are with you now and forevermore. We wish to send you many blessings at this time.
What is a blessing, you ask? A blessing is a support mechanism for one's own self to be full and whole, for your true self to come forth and aid you in whatever needs you desire. A reflection of you is what a blessing is, as you are light—to give and receive. You are the light to give and receive love. Love will be needed much in the new year for you and others.
Give and receive blessings to each other, dear one, as this is the time to reveal the real you—true love, in its entirety—for the growth of humanity and Mother Earth.
Blessings, dear ones, many blessings.
Side Note:
I asked Michael why he chose not to refer to himself as "Archangel Michael" in his message, and why he simply used "Michael." He said that he doesn’t need to use the word "Archangel" because he wants you to understand that you are part of him and he is a part of you. There is no differentiation, as we are all one. As we open up to our love—love being, as we open up ourselves to understanding that we are love itself—there is no need to use the word "Archangel." We are all one.